Wednesday, May 23, 2007


All ladies present at the "Walking in the Spirit" event were blessed. Our speaker, Tina Holland, encouraged us to be ready to walk where God directs us.

I have learned that God gives us second chances. I am not sure if "chance" is the right word, but it does fit.

This morning, I was driving to work and my car broke down (this time it was my hubby's car as he is trying to fix the other car). There I was on the street and my car just died. I was stuck in the middle lane, cars buzzing past me! There was no way I could get out of the car. Due to the morning lighting, the hazard blinkers were ineffective. I prayed and cried to God. Finally a gentleman came and pushed me to the side, but I was still in the line of fire. I do not think I have heard so many cars and trucks honk in my life. When I finally settled down, I called triple-A and explained the situation. They asked me if I was in the way of traffic, and I responded, "Yes". Therefore, they put a rush on the tow truck (30 minutes). So for 30 minutes, I sat in my seat, praying and pushing the brake. I honestly thought maybe this was the day I was going to heaven.

The sight of a tow truck never looked so beautiful! Especially, when Kevin, the tow truck driver from last month, stepped out of the driver's side. I said to God, "Okay, I will share the gospel with him this time." When he saw me, he remembered me (I was the one who fell out of his truck). He said, "Let's make this quick, the cars and trucks are not slowing down." Amen to that.

I pulled myself up to the passenger seat and Kevin hopped in and started driving. He told me he lived close by and we drove by where his baby was buried. I asked him about his wife, Marie, and he shared they had just found out they are having another boy. His face was glowing.

As we ascended on to the freeway, I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me. This time, I listened and obeyed, "Kevin, God wants me to talk to you, if that is okay," I said. He let me know that there was no place for him to go, so he would listen. I shared with him that Jesus is the only way to heaven, and he stopped me and said that he believed in Jesus. He quoted John 3:16. He could have not have gone through losing a baby if he did not believe in Jesus. I told him I just wanted to make sure that he knew the truth. He does have some misconceptions about the Bible and I hope that after our conversation he will search the scriptures for himself. I am considering sending him a gift for the baby and maybe a New Testament.

Thank you God for giving me this second opportunity to share with Kevin!

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10-11

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great story and testimony that God truly is in control. Great to see you stepped out in faith to share Christ love to Kevin. Way to represent Team Thunder. God is good!!
